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Softball and baseball is offered to all students in 5th-8th grade. A sports physical must be on file in the office in order to try out. The fee for participating in each activity is $50. There will also be a uniform fee for each sport for the apparel that is being kept by the players. If you have any questions please email Coach Howard at

The mark of a true champion is how hard they work when no one is watching. 



Dates / Seasons

Baseball - July through September

Softball - July through September

Girls Basketball -mid-September through December

Boys Basketball -mid-October through February

Girls Volleyball -mid-December through February

Boys Volleyball -February and March

Track - April and May


Contact Information

3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th Grade Girls & Boys Basketball: 

Basketball registration form

Taft Athletic


7th Grade Boys Basketball: 

Jesse Towels


7th Grade Girls Basketball: 

Coach Howard-


8th Grade Boys Basketball:

Jesser Towels


8th Grade Girls Basketball:

Coach Howard-


Baseball: TBD



Emily Winterroth:


Girls Volleyball:

Dave Collom-  & 

Stephanie Collom-


Boys Volleyball: 

Coach Howard-


Track: TBD

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